Search results

  1. hardyx

    Is It Me Or Is The Wiz Doomed

    The Wiz and Dingoo A320 can look the same outside, but the first have more advantages. Wiz has an ARM processor and 3D accelerator, this is important because there are many open source programs (many emulators) optimized for ARM. Wiz suports more standart and cheap SDHC cards with to 32 Gb of...
  2. hardyx

    Downloading Mame4All?

    In the link that post Neil L you can download it. You need a program to extract .7z files in Mac too. You can use this tool.
  3. hardyx

    New Faster Arm Cores

    Faster processor and more cores means minus battery life, and more heat dissipated. I think this new processors are for powerful industrial devices and high-end computers. From the link: "ARM on Wednesday announced the development of dual-core, quad-core, and eight-core Cortex A9 processor...
  4. hardyx

    Using Code::blocks

    Read this post: Using DevkitGP2X in the Wiz If you use printf() you can't see the results on Wiz screen. If you redirect output to a file and the app fails on load, the file will be empty. You need execute from a terminal like "termula", or use a serial cable.
  5. hardyx

    Is There A Wiz Video Converter?

    You can use Badak video converter, is a good and easy tool to reduce videos and to adjust to the Wiz screen size. No, MPEG4 is the encoder algorithm for video used in mp4, divx, xvid... mp4 is an specific format.
  6. hardyx

    Screen Cracked... And Doing Weird Things

    I think that the organic nature of the OLED screen can cause this efect of the dead pixels in contact with the air. This screen consume low battery, but is thin. The crack can loose the holds and stability of the screen, and the screen can hit any chip that is below with the movement.
  7. hardyx

    Compiler Flags

    You can see the flags used by some Wiz programs, but you must investigate online the mean. Some of the V8 flags are generic, but others are platform specific or slows the app. Flags used by GPSP: -msoft-float -funsigned-char -fno-common -fno-builtin Flags used by MAME4ALL: -msoft-float...
  8. hardyx

    Cap32Wiz Preview

    Hello, Here is the preview version of Caprice32 for Wiz. This is an Amstrad CPC emulator ported to GP2X by ZX-81, based in the PC version by Ulrich Doewich. This version has many bugs, like winks in menus and other that will be fixed. But works and can execute games that I tested without...
  9. hardyx

    Windows Ce

    The problem with windows ce is that you need to implement drivers for all the devices. Besides, you need to pay a license to Microsoft for put Windows on the Wiz. And Windows ce + tomtom needs many memory.
  10. hardyx

    Wiz Beta Of Ommpc2X 0.4.0

    Hello, here is a quick translation to Spanish: LANG_BKMRKS=Marcador LANG_CREATE_BKMRK=Crear Marcador LANG_BROWSE_ARTISTS=Buscar Artistas LANG_BROWSE_ALBUMS=Buscar Albums LANG_BROWSE_GENRES=Buscar Generos LANG_BROWSE_MEDIA=Buscar Medios LANG_ARTISTS=Artistas LANG_ALL_SONGS=Todas las...
  11. hardyx

    Mpeg4 Mvie

    The wiz movie player supports .AVI files using DivX or XviD encodings, and some mpeg4 files. The recommended format is DivX/Xvid. If you rename the file to .AVI you will see in the list, but depends of the format. MPEG4 format has many encoding subformats like quicktime or H.264 not supported by...
  12. hardyx

    My Wiz Testing... But I Dont Have A Wiz :(

    The /dev/sequencer is used in some soundcards, but in others not. SDL_Mixer try to open this device, but isn't a problem if not exists. I think the error occurs later in your program. You linked statically the SDL and SDL_mixer libs in your program, try to link dynamically. If you are using GP2X...
  13. hardyx

    Psx4All Released For The Wiz

    Hello Zodttd, I'm happy to see again in the Wiz scene with this release. I can send you my modifications if you want. This is a great day! Send me a PM if you have any comment.
  14. hardyx

    Non-Programing Game Development

    Oh thanks, I was speaking about Game Editor but I was wrong with the name.
  15. hardyx

    Caanoo / WIZ Example Wiz Code (Libcastor)

    I recommend to do using SDL, libcastor is more complex and you can't debug on pc. Answering to your questions: - You don't need to assign framebuffers, just call lc_setlayer() and use the fb_xx pointers - You can use doublebuffer using flip or you can use single buffer. There is an example...
  16. hardyx

    Flashlight For Gp2X Wiz

    If you permit me, I want to show some tricks: You don't need a white bitmap image, you can use a function to fill the screen in white colour. Then, you can use a little image for the title if you want. SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, 320, 240}; Uint32 colwhite = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 255,255,255)...
  17. hardyx

    Non-Programing Game Development

    Take a look to Game Maker . Is an environment to make games visually and have a big community. You can generate games for Windows, Linux and GP2X. Not Wiz port yet.
  18. hardyx

    GP2X Wiz "Tower Defense" coding competition

    GP2X Wiz "Tower Defense" coding competition From GP32Spain Prizes First place: 300€ Second place: 200€ Third place: 100€ Dates Deadline: September 30th Winners announcement: October 15th Contest Rules Only "Tower Defense" style games are accepted. The games can be coded either for GP2X...
  19. hardyx

    Psx4wiz Test Version

    The cd image can have audio tracks too, but the sound is not working in this version.
  20. hardyx

    Extremely Weird Bug

    Emulators and programs use a memory area to transfer the image data to the screen, and the position of this area can be changed. I think photo viewer is using a distinct area that gpSP and it isn't cleaning the memory after the exit. Then you enter gpSP that uses another area, and at exit...