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  1. Reyhn

    Dat Price Tag Tho

    I bought a pandora preorder when I was still in high school with my savings, and never canceled to support the OP team despite all the problems that happened to the production. I will certainly do the same for the Pyra because you ED totally deserve it, just wanted to point out that anything...
  2. Reyhn

    Dat Price Tag Tho

    Wow, I hope estimations over 550/600€ are wrong. That would be around the limit of an overpriced device I think ... Not that it wouldn't be worth its price, but that's quite an amount of money, for everyone not having a comfortable income (poorer countries than western UE, students, etc.).
  3. Reyhn

    A physical Dummy, Power Usage and MIPI

    Good news, let's hope for more. We can definitely make compromises to increase the battery size if there appears to be good solutions with substantial gains.
  4. Reyhn

    [poll; updated] eMMC vs. uSD; modular eMMC

    What about random access and latency ? This should be taken into account too. Plus, how easy would it be to replace an internal µSD ?
  5. Reyhn

    [poll; updated] eMMC vs. uSD; modular eMMC

    16GB eMMC would be the best fit IMO, assuming reasonnable costs. 8GB might be a little tight for a full OS install to be comfortable (but still doable), 16GB is nice yet doesn't add much to the price, no real need for 32GB except in some really specific cases. Or at least I hope so. :)
  6. Reyhn

    SoC: Back and forth!

    Of course, I understand that, I meant possibilities at a given time, knowing that in x weeks/months a choice has to be made.
  7. Reyhn

    SoC: Back and forth!

    Sure, we only want to be sure you are aware of all the possibilities. Whatever you choose we'll be with you !
  8. Reyhn

    SoC: Back and forth!

    Apparently MediaTek stated that their SoC will be available in the first half as I said, for "phone makers". That's a quote from Engadget, but to me it looks like that's the kind of consumer ED would be to them :) By products, they meant real products for end-user I assume. But anyway, if ED...
  9. Reyhn

    SoC: Back and forth!

    Just saw ARM announced the A17 and MediaTek a SoC making use of it. Could this be of any interest ? They say it should be available during the first half of this year and products with it in the second half.
  10. Reyhn

    Overview of SoC options

    Yeah, thought of it later. But anyway it was meant to be a joke. ^_^
  11. Reyhn

    Overview of SoC options

    Please provide the image so we can bench it and make crazy hypotheses :ph34r:
  12. Reyhn

    Final preorders, action required

    Oh yeah, it was in spam folder but didn't make it to thunderbird's. Thanks and keep up the good work.
  13. Reyhn

    Final preorders, action required

    Haven't received the email yet, but still have my preorder. Is the sending process still on going, and what should I do ?
  14. Reyhn

    5" 1080p screens becoming a reality just in time for P2?

    Let's be honest, everyone would be OK with a 720p screen, no need for 1080p at extra cost. You're probably aware of that, but please don't plan to make another 500€ pandora. This is simply too much; the reasonnable price of the pandora (back in 2008) for the hardware was one of the main...
  15. Reyhn

    Still working on pre orders ?

    Yep but ED is running all the production in Germany, that's what Jacquelyn answered me.
  16. Reyhn

    Still working on pre orders ?

    Hello, I ordered my Pandora back in april 2009, by taking someone's cancelled preorder. I've once been told by Jacquelyn that I was 11xx or so in the queue, but it's been a long time since with no news. She told me by email some days ago that you were runing all the production in Germany, so...
  17. Reyhn

    Release PCSX ReARMed, with a new GPU

    It's a PAL version (the name file says so). Just played it 2 minutes to take a screenshot, loaded my save (in the game) and it seems to be alright. But if I'm laoding my save state the image is cut approximately below the "ND" of 2nd on your screen; I can't see the bottom of the mini map and...
  18. Reyhn

    Release PCSX ReARMed, with a new GPU

    Has anyone tried Crash Team Racing ? Apart from the fact that it's one of the best psx games :P I can't see the entire screen with it. It's like cut, and changing filter (including custom) doesn't eliminate the problem.
  19. Reyhn

    Release PCSX ReARMed, with a new GPU

    Custom scaler only allows to stretch the image, it does not show the "cut" part of it :(
  20. Reyhn

    Pandora SFML on pandora ?

    Huh, thanks. It seems we'll have to wait until SFML 2.0 is ready before any port to GL ES is engaged.