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  1. Z

    Scale - A Pandora shell

    The category switching slowdown is mostly Graphics::ApplyAlpha which needs optimizing. Also make sure Graphics::CreateSurface creates the surfaces in the same format as the screen. It's currently BGRA. If you uncomment the two defines in Options.hpp you get FPS count, but it eats all the cpu...
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    Scale - A Pandora shell

    I just picked some of Sharp's sounds in his thread, just to have something for testing. Hopefully he'll make some more suitable ones. Sound toggle and replacing should be no problem.
  3. Z

    Scale - A Pandora shell

    Thanks :) Here is a little list of sound most likely will be used. A clicking sound ;) Category moving up. Category moving down. Category switching. A startup sound. It should be pretty short so it doesn't disturb the other sounds. 2-3 notes are pretty common. I don't know if it's possible to...
  4. Z

    Sound Designer here.

    I would love some sounds to mix up with my menu :) viewtopic.php?f=14&t=491
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    OpenGL ES Programming Information? ... S2xSGX.asp :)
  6. Z

    Scale - A Pandora shell

    I'm making a shell for Pandora. Currently it's just a dummy menu, but it has a nice framework already. Here is a simple video displaying what it currently looks like: spegJ6qTNIA If you want to try it for yourself you can checkout the source from or download one of...
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    new firefox for mobile devices, looks awesome

    If it still uses Gecko. Then die! :D
  8. Z

    A screen management protocol

    I would like Pandora to have a standardized screen management protocol. The reason is that a screen manager would have much less memory overhead and practically no CPU overhead. It will also allow the application to do whatever it wants with the screen (pure framebuffer, DirectFB, Gtk+ on...
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    Linux vs. Native Code (Bare Metal)

    I hope there will be a standarized screen manager protocol which wouldn't need any CPU cycles and minimum of RAM. Then each application can chose to draw the screen however they like.
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    Pandora sales

    Viking helmets doesn't have horns, don't know about wikings however...
  11. Z

    Pandora Questions And Answers

    I just discovered this neat project today and I already love it :ph34r: but I have a few concerns that might stop the love. I decided to post them here instead of making multiple topics and review old threads. I see that the team isn't accepting suggestions to hardware for MK1 anymore so the...