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    Of course it's going to work? They're all server side scripting languages... Even if he's planning to run them off the Pandora (which would further prove he's not a CE student), it would work.
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    Are There Any Pandora's Left For Sale?

    I'm told that I'm between 950-1050, so this may or may not apply to me -_-
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    A computer engineering student? Are you sure?
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    [SOLVED] Help With Wifi

    The wifi on my netgear sky router is VERY dodgy, with a wide variety of wifi devices.
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    Don't worry, I'm not going to release it until I've got my pandora.
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    Just so you know, I'm only releasing a .pnd for the prototype. No point testing a user interface on windows that's going to be used on the Pandora.
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    I'm not planning on having indivdual unit control. To send units to different places you create more than one "target" and they'll split up between them. You can also prioritize targets by clicking them more than once. Eg, if you've got two waypoints and click one twice it's going to have a...
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    Pandoras For Review

    dang, no pandora for pandora press then... I kid, I kid.
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    Celebrity Customer?

    I've met Grayham on the set of IT crowd, pretty chill bloke.
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    Planned Original Games? I'm solely designing for Pandora and it probably won't see a windows release.
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    Screen Protectors Count Too!

    Wifi antennae?
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    No Pandoras Until After The Weekend

    Oh damn, I really, really need to buy a car, I'd so be there picking mine up <_<
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    Wine Running On A N900 (Maybe Pandora Too...)

    On that note, anybody in the beta here? I'm a 1400 plat zerg and I've love some more practice partners to rape :)
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    Pay For Games On Pandora?

    Yup, there's also nothing wrong with charging for a game and releasing the source with the binaries. Like the Humble Indie Bundle are doing.
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    I Just Ordered A Pandora

    Yeah, I've really got to start posting again :)
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    Headphones On The Pandora

    The same thing that happens when you put headphones into any headphone jack... :blink:
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    Rockbox On Pandora As A Media Player?

    It could be just a straight recompile?
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    The Reality Of Dead Pixels, Soft Or Inconsistently Registering Buttons

    I had one or two dead pixels in my PSP-1000 didn't bother me a bit and I have no idea how many hours I spent playing SNES Harvest Moon on that baby.
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    HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I think for now, I'm going to put baddies in and a rough mission. Release it to you guys and you can tell me what you think, what needs changing etc.
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    What Does The Position Of The Line Tell Me?

    I'm 950 - 1050. It sucks, I know.