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  1. S

    Would A Currency Collapse Threaten The Project?

    You know, if that actually transpired the way you describe, not getting a Pandora would be the least of our issues. And, keep in mind, the gold will sort-of keep it's valuation, but you'll have a hell of a time using it and the moment you do, you're going to have people wanting to take it all...
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    How Long Can The Specs Stay Competitive?

    While I can't speak for TheGoodDoktor, I can state that there's plans for other vendors making titles available... QUOTE Also, I think if OpenPandora plays its card right, they will shoe-horn themselves into the gaming market. Indeed. We've stepped up to the plate in the big league, to use...
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    How Long Can The Specs Stay Competitive?

    Excuse me, how do you know there won't be any commercial games for the Pandora- either at rollout or shortly thereafter?
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    If Given The Choice, Would You Want Pandora With Beta Or Release Os?

    Heh... If the stories I've heard are true about the firmware sets on the GP32 and GP2X, that alone puts it above those units.
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    What Sort Of Reviews Will The Pandora Get?

    Heh... They'll have trouble using it because of them needing to wipe the drool off of it constantly... ;) QUOTE On the whole though, I think the common thread between reviews will be "huge potential, niche market." That'll be early on though. If the device starts to draw the interest of...
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    Looks Like Sony Is First To Market With Umpc/gaming Device

    Indeed, indeed. Why ANYONE would put "Vaio" on their DS and ruin the good looks on it is beyond me... ;)
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    Rotating A Vector Around Another Vector

    Yeah, I did the same sort of double-take. "Evil" doesn't even begin to describe that sort of computational task... ;)
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    How Many People Know How To Use Opengl Es?

    If you count the X-Box 360 as an embedded system, it actually, perversely has bearing. Having said this, I wouldn't care to know... QUOTE Other's might say that, but I wouldn't :D I kind of boggled the first time I'd heard what they did out of Benj's mouth in the first week of my stint...
  9. S

    Issues With Using Neon In The A8...

    Yep. It's why I'd posted the link like I did. Sorry gang, I didn't catch that this little gem had propagated over to the Wiki, etc. I'd checked even... ;)
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    Wikipedia Article Update

    Because the bulk of the rumor type crap that comes up bogus also comes from "news on forums". (Note, this is not defending their craptacular behavior here- just that this is their reasoning, which, unfortunately is fairly sound under most circumstances... ;) )
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    Issues With Using Neon In The A8... According to this article, here's some ugly sharp edges with NEON use. While it's pipelined, it's async in nature from the A8 itself, meaning there's some memory access hazard prevention silicon in place in the SoC. The CPU and NEON...
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    How Many People Know How To Use Opengl Es?

    It's more code-wise than anything else- what we call OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0 aren't "drivers" but rather API edges that talk to a much more primitive driver layer. The APIs in question tell the graphics hardware how to express the rendering that the programmer requests. In the case of ES 1.1 on...
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    How Many People Know How To Use Opengl Es?

    Nice that nobody's chose to be obnoxious? :D QUOTE @Svartalf: So if I don't need fog or lighting, I can basically ignore the shading language? Also, I've been planning on using "GLfloat VertexList[] = {...}; glDrawArrays(...)", or maybe glDrawElements (whichever makes more sense in the...
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    How Many People Know How To Use Opengl Es?

    I'm more of an OpenGL type of guy... ;) The Gold Book is a good start. Realizing that OpenGL ES is more of a subset of each type of OpenGL that it was derived from than a different API, one can also use a bit of good OpenGL books with hints on what to/not to do to make it largely OpenGL ES...
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    Pandroid - Android On Pandora

    Heh... Matchbox+Maemo is "Average Joe" friendly. Nokia has quite a solid handle on mobile/portable device UI and has had it for quite some time. A netbook with Android isn't going to be any nicer/easier than with what we're about to field. It's not going to be any easier/nicer with a...
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    Cell Phone.

    Gizmo provides both in and outbound dial over SIP for any SIP compliant device (they provide a client that makes things a bit easier to use, but you don't have to use their stuff...). All one would need is a SIP phone (easy task that, there's some even in the Angstrom stuff...) to get most of...
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    Pixel Scaling And Licenses

    If you're using Python, you're pretty much done in. Interpreted code equates to fairly effortless reverse engineering work. Unless you make the client bog simple and the server managing pretty much everything, you're going to end up with all sorts of hackery on the client side and your...