You can buy the domain name and use it with a website engine that requires no coding, like IMcreator or Weebly. IMcreator costs money to use a domain you already own, though.
I'm one of only four or five students (out of the 20 in the class) who see through the bullshit. Most of the others don't really seem to think that programming is more complex than this.
OK, now this is just embarrassing, and I've just lost all respect for my AP CS teacher.
A classmate of mine, let's call him Alvin, was recently lectured to by my teacher, whom we shall call Mr. Coach. Alvin has been programming ever since he was nine years old, has software for sale on the...
Hm, I thought we had it bad in America. Earlier this year, we wrote our college essays in English 12. Afterwards, we peer-reviewed them. The two or three I got were horrendous. And I still chuckle thinking back to this assignment I had a few weeks ago.
We're not seeing great speakers...
If you know C, then everything you need to make homebrew is in here. This was released recently. Unfortunately Windows-only (dunno if the compilers run in WINE), but still damned cool!
So wait. It's humanly possible to write a program that plays Zelda II regardless of its maps (assuming they're not malformed), because we can model its flow as a comprehensible procedure. Not the same for Super Mario World. Am I right?
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