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  1. H

    Debian on SD

    Ahh, thanks, you probably did, I'm on 1.0.3 as I need to build things in it and I had problems with 1.0.5 refusing to install tools due to package conflicts, I think you might have advised me to use 1.0.3 in the IRC channel actually, never mind though, I'll just load it manually when needed -.o
  2. H

    Release EUAE port

    you need to set it to key2 in the config then you use the D pad and either control or one of the buttons, I forgot, I only tried joystick based games briefly
  3. H

    Debian on SD

    I couldn't swear to it but I think that just means it's unable to open a text mode console as it would on a PC, certainly I've seen that error and it's never made a bit of difference to anything I wanted to do... I'd be interested to know where I should add the loadkeys command to fix the...
  4. H

    Release EUAE port

    You can use the same hardfile you use with WinUAE on your PC, that's exactly how I set mine up as the tiny keys aren't really suited to long term typing -.o;
  5. H

    Release EUAE port

    Hihi Control, X button, Y button (game buttons) 3 finger salute, x and y are amiga keys Well spotted on the others -.o; Extracting picasso96 Put picasso.lha or w/e in .../pandeuae/hostfs On amiga, run shell, then do: cd temp (or similar) lha x hostfs:picasso.lha then just go to...
  6. H

    Release EUAE port

    Shouldn't have been blank, if no uaerc is present it will copy a default one, you should never have ablank one unless you tried to edit it before running the emulator (which creates it if it doesn't exist)
  7. H

    Release EUAE port

    Hihi Just a note, stouffa, you are getting little squares because you have either not installed picasso or not switched into the appropriate picasso mode Also, they're optimised for an 800x600 screen, if you don't boot the hardfile in winuae or similar and move the bottom icons up a bit you...
  8. H

    Release EUAE port

    It should already work, if it doesn't copy it to itself so it's a 512K image and try it again (cat kick120.rom kick120.rom > kick120-512.rom or copy /b kick120.rom + kick120.rom kick120-512.rom depending on your OS) AGA will be added but I'm not satisfied with the performance as it is, maybe...
  9. H

    Release EUAE port

    it's very unlikely those files will work unmodified (well, let's not beat about the bush, they won't work unmodified) but you can copy your kickstart images to .../pandeuae/kickstarts/ and edit the kickstart in the uaerc (and the cpu type if you wish)
  10. H

    Release EUAE port

    Hardfiles go in /media/foo/pandora/appdata/pandeuae/hardfiles/ You'll need to add (or uncomment and edit) the required lines in uaerc hardfile2=rw,DH0:./hardfiles/System.hdf,32,1,2,512,0, Edit: Yes that line above has a trailing comma, this isn't a typo. That would give you access to a...
  11. H

    Release EUAE port

    I did try with PUAE but was unable to get good results, E-UAE seemed to work for me. In any case, I've started so I'll finish, lol
  12. H

    Release EUAE port

    Well behaved whdload slaves will let you select the quit key with a tooltype
  13. H

    Release EUAE port

    I'm using 3.1 but I did test it with wb1.3 and ks1.3 and that worked fine, you may not have to install a hardfile, you should be able to install workbench to hostfs which would be much more space efficient plus you can access the individual files via sd card (however permissions issues might...
  14. H

    Release EUAE port

    Well spotted, thankyou!
  15. H

    Release EUAE port

    Indeed Again due to the keyboard issues, I'll be working on that first so we can at least bring up the existing gui and swap disks
  16. H

    Release EUAE port

    Hihi Thanks everyone for your feedback! Drive LEDs: Already there in non-RTG modes Filesystem access: Already there /media/foo/pandora/appdata/pandeuae/hostfs/ EUAE version: Already using the latest version AGA support: I can compile it in but it seriously slows it down, even if AGA is...
  17. H

    Release EUAE port

    Hihi PUAE is horribly slow and seems to be forced to run in a window UAE4ALL forces everything down to a 320x240 display, then resizes THAT up to 640x480! (Seriously, boot workbench in it and look at the text!) And yes, hard disk images, virtual (hostfs) hard disk, tcp/ip, rtg, full screen...
  18. H

    Release EUAE port

    Hihi'> Please give that a try, comments/ideas welcome Also check the blog at for additional information Discovered by Itami...
  19. H

    The Quick Questions Thread

    Hi Just got my Pandora a couple of days ago... How can I control which partitions are automounted from the SD cards? I have an ext3 partition on there which I'd rather didn't appear on the desktop. Which brings me to, how can I setup an aufs /usr (read from nand, write to aforementioned SD...
  20. H

    Die "Panorama" Sendung morgen Abend 21:45 /ARD

    Was vür ein zufall dadurch das ich am pc dadell hatte ich leztes schuljahr ne 1 im komputer kurs