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  1. D

    I Want But Cant Find A Chrome Gba Sp Replacement Shell.

    buy any shell and get it plated:
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    3d Engine On The Gp2x

    It does look like it is rotating about the center of the image to me. Look at where the tail fin and canopy come together. That looks like the center of mass (on the one axis) and rotation to me. But, I think the problem is that the image is getting stretched. I think this is most noticeable...
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    One Handed Gaming

    read a book ;)
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    How Much Current Does The Gp2x Require?

    Squidge did some testing a while back and found that it consumed 500mA at idle, and up to 700-800mA while playing video. I'm not too sure about the maximum current, and this was done, I believe, during the 1.x.x firmware versions, so idle may be a little different. Also, the current...
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    Blockdude Released !

    This game was a hit when I was in high school (grad in '04). I think I only made it to level 8, though, on the good 'ol TI-83 Plus.
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    Car Adapter

    As long as it can provide around 3V at up to 1A, you should be fine. Also, make sure that you set it up so that the center pin is negative (very important). 3.3V is ideal, but 3V will work without putting undue stess on your unit. Most rechargeable batteries only provide 2.4V
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    Poor Tv-out Quality

    There may be an interference problem, but when you said that games seem ok that made me have doubts. To combat interference, you can try moving the GP2X, BoB, and cables to different locations usually trying to stay away from electrical equipment. Also, try turning off other electrical...
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    Ac Adapter Questions

    A 3V 1A adapter will work, but the important thing to do is get one that is "center negative." Also, many people insist that you should get a regulated adapter.
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    Usb Host

    I think you should have the filter for both, if by filter you mean the circuit components required on the data line. I thought the biggest difference between the mk1 and mk2 when making a USB cable is that the mk2 provides 5V on the EXT connector and the mk1 only has 3.3V, so you need to get 5V...
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    Mk1 3.3v Ext

    whoops, didn't realize that. Anyway, I suggested the MAX751CPA; I haven't tried it myself, though.
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    Know A Good Distro For Devving?

    Definately include a FAT32 partition on your hard drive because linux can read NTFS fine, but it can't write to it well and is not recommended.
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    Mk1 3.3v Ext

    You can get a step-up converter. Something like this
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    Using A Usb Joypad Through The Bob

    rewrite some of the game's code and compile a new version.
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    Battery Problem

    You did type mAh wrong :P . mA 'per' hr (mA/hr) would a rate of change in current being drawn. It would be like saying "I have gone 800 miles per hour to get from New York to Atlanta." Or, even more appropriate, "I have gone 800 meters/s/s to get from New York to Atlanta." Amps is the unit...
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    Cheap Psu For The Gp2x
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    Go Board Game For The Gp2x

    Lines is not Go. If you want to know what Go is, try playing igowin, which is a dumbed down but free version of The Many Faces of Go. You can get it here:
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    Any Actual Os's Ported To The Gp2x?

    Qtopia is a gui similar to a pda or desktop. More so, at least, than the GP2X's default menu. I believe keyboards and/or mice work with usb host.
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    My Gp2x Cap Broke!

    The one I was thinking of might have been for video game rentals at blockbuster. I could be wrong.
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    My Gp2x Cap Broke!

    He'll have the ultimate "player's thumb". I am vaguely remembering some commercials a while back educating the public about this terrible, but coveted, condition.
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    Usb Sound Input?

    yes, that would be cool.