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  1. N

    Working Port Of Gngeo

    Nice to have that frontend going. Amazing how fast this emu is. And I guess it's a bug with the asm stuff, but the sound hangs in Sonic Wings 2/3 in the new version. Oh well, I'll survive. :)
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    Beta Lbreakout2

    Good stuff, though it would be nice to be able to map controls to the action buttons rather than just the keyboard buttons,
  3. N

    Working Port Of Gngeo

    I believe for this emu 'rom directories' refers to the folder of bios files.
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    Release Scummvm: Unofficial Test “1.1.1” Release For The Openpandora.

    If DJWillis is still reading, I got past the crash point because I evidently wasn't doing the right thing. The emu works if you advance the story, but one of failure/death scenes at that point causes ScummVM to crash.
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    Pandora Doesnt Seem To Stay Powered Down...

    iI thought that holding the power switch was supposed to restart? At least that's what my unit does too. Try selecting shutdown from the xfce panel or via the select menu on minimenu and let the machine shut itself off without you touching the power button.
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    Panel Widget To Adjust Cpu-Speed

    Haven't tested yet but great idea. Should be very useful, at least until emulators start having cpu speed settings in their menus.
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    Enable Network Manager After Startup?

    If you go to Pandora Menu>Settings>Session and Startup, then the Application Autostart tab there is a check box to autostart Network Manager on boot. If you don't autostart network manager on boot there is no network icon in the xfce panel. Either way, mindlord's solution to startup through...
  8. N

    Overriding Pnd Icon....

    I tried it once and it worked for me. Just made .png, named it the same as the pnd, and placed the pnd and png in pandora/menu folder. Maybe your png is too large in resolution?
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    Snes9X4D4P - Help Me Beta Test

    Was the version with .cht support released, or is that just in the upcoming version? If I may make a humble feature request for such upcoming version, I'd love to see a cpu speed option, with the ability to set mhz globally and per game for more demanding games (Super Mario Kart, Pilotwings, etc).
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    Enable Network Manager After Startup?

    I had disabled wifi and network manager on startup. I can toggle the wifi easily, but without network manager it won't connect to any networks. Thanks, I will try that.
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    Enable Network Manager After Startup?

    I disabled network manager on startup because the majority of the time I use the pandora it's for gaming, and no internet connection is required. I figured it makes startup take longer, decreases battery, and uses up cpu cycles. However, now if I want to use any internet features, I have to go...
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    Release Scummvm: Unofficial Test “1.1.1” Release For The Openpandora.

    Been playing through Full Throttle. Has worked very well (other than the touchscreen/mouse desync issues also in dosbox) but I'm at the part where you steal the ramp from the cave bikers and it keeps crashing out. :(
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    Tell Us Non-Mame Guys What The Best Of Mame Are :)

    Personal favorites off the top of my head; 1942 Robotron Donkey kong Food fight Galaxian Outrun Jackal NBA jam Raiden Indy heat
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    Amiga Emulation?

    Ah, overdumped 1.3, that is the info I needed. Thanks!
  15. N

    Amiga Emulation?

    Can't get this to run. I have some adf files, and a bunch of kick roms. I've tried a few different 512kb kick roms, and most go black screen or back to minimenu. One kick.rom made the screen flash grey and white, then back to minimenu. Is there a certain kick.rom version required? I've...
  16. N

    Setting Clock Speed With .ovr Files

    Still need to try the newest psx4pandora from this morning, but the version I currently have goes much faster if I manually use the cpuspeed program first to raise the clock speed. My .ovr file for snes9x also produced no speed boost, I was just using psx4pandora as an example. EDIT: Hmmm, you...
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    Setting Clock Speed With .ovr Files

    So I was making some .ovr files per the wiki to organize my emulators into minimenu folder categories and set specific clock speeds per program, but the clock speed settings don't seem to be working. For instance psx4pandora is generating non-overclock emulation speeds even though .ovr file...
  18. N

    Psx For Pandora Compatibility List

    Raiden Fighters - Too slow at 500, pretty solid at 750+. Garbled crap on right side of screen (doesn't affect gameplay) and sound is a little off.
  19. N

    Minimal Gaming Os Possible?

    I'd love to see an even more minimal OS with a faster boot. I bought the Pandora purely to game and a full desktop is totally extraneous to me--the odds that I find myself with WiFi access and nothing but my Pandora to use to get online are slim to none. If I have WiFi access, I am practically...
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    Release Visualboyadvance

    I'd love to see a port of gpsp--it's so much faster. Upon a quick look, gpsp on gp2x at 260mhz runs Racing Gears Advance faster than unoptimized VBA on pandora at 750mhz.