About an hour, then CTRL+C when you see the window say "base system installed successfully" in deboowait.
A bout 30 more minutes of configure then I let it go overnight.
Today I have PanDebian running. First thing was to install Thunar and mousepad. Then OpenOffice which took a couple hours...
got it. Thanks! Now, when this is all done how do we resetup PanDebian after a firmware update? How would we reconnect the premade loopback file to a new/clean system without starting from scratch?
This was asked previously but I never saw it answered.
I too have had the "base system installed successfully" in deboowait for about 45 minutes.
Is that normal? Is it doing something in the background or am I supposed to kill it and then reboot?
I am stuck trying to get a custom menu-item (.desktop file) to be in the location where the About-XFCE is. I want a Standby entry there on the XFCE menu. As it is now I can only get it alphabetically in the sub-menu grouping.
See my post here...
Copied the file /etc/xdg/op/menu/xfce-applications.menu to ~/.config/menus
and have my desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications
no menu item. I ONLY get the menu item if the desktop file is in /usr/share/applications
And I can not get it moved above the log-out even if I edit...
I deleted the menu entry for "XFCE-About" in /usr/share/applications/
Now I want to add a desktop file for a menu item but have it appear right above "log-out"
I created a desktop file and placed it in /usr/share/applications/. It is simply placed alphabetically above the submenu entries...
That would be me. See the following two threads to understand the process and solution. TNX to all who chimed in.
I had the same thing with Wifi. see my posts on previous pages. It was the router encryption (Needed to be set to AES) And interference on the router channel. Once I found a clear channel 3rd choice) the issue was resolved. It may not be your problem but it _could_ be!
I have been fine ever...
OK, here we go. I had no idea that wheel was a real group. I thought it was like a generic sample. As far as I knew, I was part of myusername group.
Also, /etc/sudoers seemed to be getting usurped by some other "more important" file. Here is the solution as a Bash Script. Which once created &...
I find the power-switch fiddly. But other than that this is also learning experience and testing things out. Like learning how to modify autoboot.txt because SD_installer only adds the 2.6 kernel by default. I want to understand the pandora and am reading the forums, wiki, and ordered more...
1) I am having problems with that.
2) that is why I gave it a separate topic linked from here. I need help.
Side Note: Second day of larger downloads and still good wifi. Only one lockup in 2 days of usage now. so it was the router's channel and choice of encryption. AES only - works...
I have a thread here:
because I think this is important and people should be able to find a solution using the search function.
op_standby should NOT require a password. IT should be easy to assign a hotkey to run this by any user. I had it working that way in beta 3 but can not seem to...
I may not need it now, But a real Thanks. I am saving that just in case! At least for stubborn APs.
I did more online today and saw how much faster the battery drains with WIFI on but it was fun. Router definitely Must be AES for me and the new channel helps the interference issues.
I do...
Ok I have been trying to get this working. I thought I DID under beta 3 but now (under beta4) it is not working. And I do not know what I forgot because its not in the forums.
Standby Mode requires password [shouldn't]. I should be able to assign a hotkey to run op_standby or add a menu item...
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