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  1. S


    I may have missed something, but why would there be .eboot support in psxpandora? eboots (I thought) were only used on the PSP - i.e. they are PSP executables. I would assume the PSX ISO converted to an eboot, is essentially the PSX gamedata with either a PSP PSX emulator attached (or at...
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    Amiga Emu

    This is partly what this thread is about - To use whdload properly, you need to be emulating - at least - an 020 with 2meg extra (or more) memory - which is exactly what has been demonstated above. So assuming there is hardfile support, it should work. Some more speed tests may be needed though.
  3. S

    Amiga Emu

    That's great news, thanks GnoStiC. It's really impressive that a lot of this kind of work is being put together before the units are out. Really looking forward it. Completely curious: Were any hardfile operations/support ported from WinUae? I seem to recall Winuae being rather ahead in it's...
  4. S

    Amiga Emu

  5. S

    Amiga Emu

    Interesting testing.... I had assumed that Cyclone was accurate enough as it was added to uae4all (and Cyclones webpage refers it's timing accuracy as a match for the Mame 68k core). However, it turns out it stilll has accuracy problems for Amiga emulation (notaz originally posted he would not...
  6. S

    Amiga Emu

    Great stuff, thanks for testing this. 88% is substantially better than I would have expected, although it's probably worth commenting that the sysinfo command in workbench is perhaps not very reliable under emulation (some programs/tests - e.g. powerpacker etc.. have a phenominal speedboost...
  7. S

    Amiga Emu

    Great stuff, be sure to post your findings...
  8. S

    Amiga Emu

    Some good points. Can't see an obvious ARM-based '020 core anywhere (not that I know where to look). Cyclone appears to be the only obvious ARM-tweaked 68000 family core, and I've seen posts suggested it works as a 68010 core. I do not know how much work would be required to expand it to '020...
  9. S

    Amiga Emu

    WinUAE is probably (definately?) the most advanced Amiga Emu around by a long shot, and happily is opensource. However, as it's a)windows x86 based and B) expects to be run on very beefy x86 machines c) supports a variety of features probably too taxing for the Pandora to bother with (RTG gfx...
  10. S

    Mame Running On Pandora. Video(s) Inside.

    slaanesh was talking sense earlier on while referring to the Aaron Giles pacman performance test. Mame does not steadily drop in performance with each version - it's actually has long periods of stable performance with major drops at certain versions. So what we are really looking for is a...
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    Mame Running On Pandora. Video(s) Inside.

    If you are using 0.53, you may as well use 0.62... newer and very similar performance...
  12. S

    Release Fullspeed Amiga Emulation On Pandora!

    Hmmm, do any of the posted amiga-emu-on-pandora videos have recorded sound? (Rather than someone saying "sound was active but not recorded").