Search results

  1. zapman

    Umts 'stick' With Bluetooth But W/o Usb

    nope, connecting to a mifi via wifi is too inefficient on the long run; enabling wifi on the pandora drains your battery almost twice as fast. BT would be better and the problem with a 3G stick is that it will eventually brake because it sticks out too far. Apart from that I doubt that 3G will...
  2. zapman

    Beta Uae4All Additions

    Turrican II's sound also starts to stutter as soon as I close the Pandora lid. Did you implement some down-clocking when the lid is closed with the latest hotfix? Wouldn't like that mechanism too much, if I want to safe energy, I would rather go into standby mode..
  3. zapman

    Umts 'stick' With Bluetooth But W/o Usb

    yay, that's exactly the hardware I'm looking for, but should have bluetooth instead of Wifi and maybe a bit smaller...
  4. zapman

    Umts 'stick' With Bluetooth But W/o Usb

    Hi! let me first give you some background why I'm looking for such a device: I would like to use UMTS-Broadband with my Pandora but my cell phone doesn't support UMTS (therefor tethering is not an option). Buying a new 3G cell is out of the question, too expensive and the cell I have is...
  5. zapman

    Wishlist For Hf5

    With my winXP machine, I can't use the SD mass storage mode anyways: I always get an error message, windows complaining about an unknow device connected. Unmounting SD card on Pandora first doesn't work, tried that already: than the sd-card can't be selected with the sd-mass-storage script...
  6. zapman

    Wishlist For Hf5

    Well, I know that Anki had problems with the time and date settings, have a look at 'sync problems' solution in this thread: This bug together with the mounting issue: don't you think there is an alternative...
  7. zapman

    Wishlist For Hf5

    True. I will collect all reasonable wishes in my first post of this thread. This way it keeps clearly arranged for people who actually have the ability to convert wishes into reality :)
  8. zapman

    Wishlist For Hf5

    well, the OS already has a GUI to set the display, but there is only one option in the 'rotation' drop-down menu: 'Normal'. (see 'Settings->Display'). Some web-pages and programs are better viewed rotated 90° and are unlikely to ever have an option to rotate. Also, your nub-controls also have to...
  9. zapman

    Wishlist For Hf5

    As Hotfix4 is out and improved things nicely, we can talk and dream about hotfix5 and beyond.. This is a whishlist for things that would be nice to get fixed. How about you? Have you got any wishes that seem plausible and realistic, too? Screenrotation: Possibility to rotate screen using...
  10. zapman

    Usb Issues

    just reboot ;)
  11. zapman


    ok, die Sach mit dem java checken hat schonmal zutage gebracht, dass der path für java nicht gesetzt war. Drum hab ich die Datei .bashrc in meinem Homeverzeichnis um die Zeile PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin:$PATH ergänzt. Danach noch aktualisiert mit source .bashrc Schließlich...
  12. zapman

    Usb Issues

    no, there isn't any g_* module loaded. If I run the SD-mass-storage script, g_file__storge appears. When I close the mass-storage window, a g_cdc module appears in lsmod output, instead of g_file_storage. Is g_cdc somehow necessary for a working mini-AB port? EDIT: yes, it seems so...
  13. zapman


    vielen Dank! Ich seh grad, dass es von meiner DSL leitund daheim tatsäclich auch klappt. Von der Uni aus gibt es leider nicht. Vllt filtert das DFN pandorasource aus irgendeinem grund raus? Ansonsten gibt es aber keine Zensur in unserem Netz, "Freiheit der Forschung" ;) Danke nochmal fürs...
  14. zapman

    Usb Issues

    Thx for your help Notaz! But in 'Service Manager' the option 'Start USB Network on bootup' is unchecked already. Now what?
  15. zapman

    How Do You Put The Usb Otg Port Into Host Mode?

    connecting, disconnecting, reconnecting, as stated by notaz and urjaman, doesn't work for me. Instead, running the SD-mass-stage script that can be found in the 'system' menu, enables the small USB OTG: see my detailed post here. Notaz, Urjaman, could you please look into this?
  16. zapman

    Usb Issues

    It seems my pandora also has some problem with USB, but only with the small OTG Usb1.1 port: # SD storage mode: I run the script and set my 32GB FAT SDcard (slot 1) into mass storage mode. Than I connect a mini-USB cable that I normally use to charge the Pandora (works fine!) with my WinXP...
  17. zapman

    Mnt/utmp Problems ?

    Until 3 minutes ago I was running my pandora with hotfix4beta2: Saving/ Loading Q2 works fine, I got a ext2 SD Card though with read/ write access to /pandora for everyone. But I also have random freezes in Q2: sometimes I played for 2h without problems, sometimes it freezes after 3 minutes...
  18. zapman

    Release Hotfix 4 Final Released!

    you bet! As with all the previous hotfixed, this one will have all other fixes included as well... (41 mb!) :)
  19. zapman


    hmm, also im firefox 3.6.8 bekomm ich nur ne weiße seite angezeigt, sowohl für als auch für beide links im 1. post. mit IE6 bekomm ich immerhin ne Fehlermelund: HTTP-Fehler 403 - Verboten ... Wäre sehr nett wenn mir jmd das .pnd und den Anleitungstext, wie man java...
  20. zapman

    Release Hotfix 4 Final Released!

    great thing, thx! will update right away :)