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  1. commander-beef

    What Did You Think About the Compo ?

    Mainly only saving is disabled, so you can test it in many ways , but you'll not save it.. 
  2. commander-beef

    Release DosBox EX - Ultimate

    yes, this is possible, but not now [it needs to wait till i'll clean up dosbox ex gui code :/]
  3. commander-beef


    If recognition of topics content on boards will be on high level, and test-post [like, in here] wouldnt be deleted, then you could just fill boards with topics content  releated to this boards. The topic will be generally okay [from admin's POV ] , but it will contain a lot of sublime adverts...
  4. commander-beef


    mistakes in spelling should be included for bot [especially in short words] to make it more like-human typing.. 
  5. commander-beef

    Run in a PND

    I mean it's like trend/point of honour today to make  flappy bird clone :D . I know [FULL RESPECT to You] it's hard to code in motorola's 68x ASM. BTW. Coding flappy bird in AMOS should be pretty easy task..  Making PND's: PNDTools by foxblock. ...
  6. commander-beef


    im sure, Its bot. After next scan it will check, if this topic still exist then it flags the correct sentence = truth to use it on similar boards with similar content but with pyra/pandora swapped to "vita 2" :D .. 
  7. commander-beef

    Run in a PND

    btw. Flappy bird for Game Coders,is like a 'Hello World' for Beginning Code Enthusiasts :D
  8. commander-beef

    Run in a PND

    AROS rom for AMI should be here somewhere: and here:
  9. commander-beef

    Run in a PND

    btw. uae4all accepts command line switches like original uae? [btw uae has a lot undocumented ones :/]
  10. commander-beef

    Run in a PND

    it will be hard because amiga needs original kickstart rom [which is copyrighted and wont be included in pnd], so it will not be running that easily like dosbox games in PND.
  11. commander-beef

    Release DosBox EX - Ultimate

    This time.. yes..
  12. commander-beef

    Release Starcraft

    some of pnd [in windows] are made with mkisofs, but in linux squasfs is used. mkisofs-ones are extractable via 7z.. 
  13. commander-beef

    Release Starcraft

    Notaz, can you provide zipped WINE package for ARM? i'd might prepare something extra from this..
  14. commander-beef

    Release Ultimate PIM - A personal information manager for OpenPandora

    Today i should release new, updated version of uPIM
  15. commander-beef

    Release DosBox EX - Ultimate

    ah, i heard about it. And that was done legally but it was wrong ethically AFAIC because they're having only IP's and they're unsure even what names/surnames under these IP's were. It was "lawyer's scam". They though that if the downloaders will send info with apologising to damage done, then...
  16. commander-beef

    Release DosBox EX - Ultimate

    C&D letters are only created by biggest corporations and they're buying the chancellery time in "packets" for example: They pay for sending 100 x C&D letters about xxx $   not for any particualr letter and no matter where will they send it.. So , why somebody should pay for it if corporation is...
  17. commander-beef

    Release DosBox EX - Ultimate

    Thats i just wanted to write :D Because they're sending C&D letters before any legal action.. 
  18. commander-beef

    Release DosBox EX - Ultimate

    So you mean, server providier and domain name registrar-* and even internet line holder is responsible ? Even if dont even know that they're violating anythign? [and this is a similar situation to EDs that he doest have the control of content uploaded into repo..]. German law should be...
  19. commander-beef

    Release DosBox EX - Ultimate

    ED needs to show that he hasnt got a legal way to vaildate the content and thats it. And if he gets takedown [of illegal content] notice he should do:] This is the proper way to do it.  You're bid to TOC of REPO...
  20. commander-beef

    Release DosBox EX - Ultimate

    Continuing from previous post: From now ED needs to show free will to disable/remove content thats not legal [that was uploaded by 'anonymous' user], if he gets a notice. and he doesnt make it , then they could sue him. Its easy and this is the way things goes by..