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  1. E

    Scart Connection

    I got a s-video to scart cable for connecting my PC to my VCR/TV but after testing it I found that the cable is other way round (will take a picture from my vcr scart and send it to s-video) best I can see is its wired as follows .. **21 pin Euro scart connector** 19 VIDEO/Sync/Luminance...
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    Nintendo Ds: Final Hardware Design Revealed

    Why anyone would need 2 screens I do not know ? The design kinda reminds me of that orange nintendo donkey kong game ;)
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    Gpquake 0.3

    Yep its probably better to concentrate on other things working first ;) Dont know if anyone has realised this but if you run the game at a lower screen size (maybe 4 or 5 down) it dose not lockup when you go into the water
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    Gpquake 0.3

    verry quick source idea after quake loads gpmm\quake\id1 make it also load gpmm\quake\mod afer a recompile all you would have to do is put a mods files into gpmm\quake\mod (not sub dir) to run it and if the mod dir is empty it should run quake as normal I would have tryed this out myself I...
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    Gpquake 0.3

    loki666 Quake 2 has .dll and .so in mods where as quake 1 uses .dat files compiled with the free quakec compiler The progs.dat would run under Dos / Windows or Linux without the need to change it at all
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    Next Gp32linux Propagand Pack

    Would be cool to have an mpeg player (maybe kvcd compatable ?) I did read some time back that you had Mplayer compiled and working but I dont think there where any releases EDIT: incase anyone was wondering why I would like mpeg when we already have a divx player.. 1/Dont have to piss about...
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    Gpquake 0.3

    Dont think it can load mods yet I think that release must mainly be bug fixes the last version didnt work on my gp and that one seems fine, I didnt notice a speed differance
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    No More Battries

    Check the bottom of the GP32 printed into the plastic next to the power in socket It says "DC 3V IN" and also tells you the polarity ;)
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    What System Is This?

    lizard808uk your thinking of the MegaPC I dont think it would be a A500 with 512k ram or A500+ 1mb of ram and the amiga got its doom port only 10 years after the original was released unless it wasnt doom but something else
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    Pocket Uae

    @ WhiteFalcon I dont want to sound mean or anything but you should get someone to checkout you PC or maybe get a new vesion of UAE and double check your settings I had full speed amiga emulation on my old 900mhz PIII with 128mb of ram and before that I had good speed on my P166 with around 48mb...
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    Uae For Pocket Pc

    depends on what amiga you want to emulate ? A standard A500 has a 68000 @ 7.14 MHz mega drive has the same but @ 7.61 MHz So maybe you could use Cyclone to get a better speed although I think the amiga Graphics chipset would slowdown emulation a bit
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    Ripoff Merchant On Ebay!

    "I just reported this auction to eBay." :huh: that wasnt a nice thing to do and you probably should not have told anyone you did it People always have double standards when it comes to warez and mainly roms, can you Honistly say you dont have 1 rom on your gp32 EvilDragon ? (no need to answer...
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    GP32 Gpquake On Sourceforge

    second time around it all compiled I think it was something todo with what files where included in the Cygwin install
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    Gp32 Mug

    Not realy big news but If you preorderd a Mug fom Lik-sang you will probably be getting it soon I just receved the Confirmation email from them telling me my Mug has been shipped :D
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    220 Mhz Out Of The Box....

    question about OC I think I read that arm cpu in gp32 maximum recommended clock (from samsung?) is 186mhz So can overclocking more than 186mhz Risk damaging the cpu ? I dont think the cpu has a heatsync so I was wondering dose the cpu in gp32 give off much heat ? is there risk of burnout when...
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    GP32 Gpquake On Sourceforge

    I realy wanted to do this so I could play around / experiment with the quake sources I followed The guide to the letter as much as I could, one of the only things I changed was I had to manually add the c:\cygwin\bin to my path I get stuck when compiling the Gcc part, After running the bgcc...
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    Gp32 = Worse Buy Ever

    Personally I like the GP32 although all the reviews I had read before getting my gp32 made it out to be alot more than it actually is Before I got my GP I was under the impression that .. It was a small device that would run for 14hours from some normal batterys. Could Emulate almost all retro...
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    GP32 Gpquake On Sourceforge

    Yuglooc still dosnt hide that fact that you dont actually need to go in the water :P Also I realised what I did to make it not crash in the water.. Start a new game Goto options and make the screen as small as it will go go in the water :P I think it works with bigger screens but I have not...
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    GP32 Gpquake On Sourceforge

    Horscht. probably take too long to write it all down the full pak structure I dont have the time sorrry though thinking back the Full pak0 structure and maybe pak1 was included in one of the first quake unpak / repak tools but I would not bother as its still alpha I had problems running it with...
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    GP32 Gpquake On Sourceforge

    Horscht reinstall your "full version" of quake from the original cd and you will get pak0.pak and pak1.pak If you dont have the cd anymore ;) use the demo or buy it only £5 brand new or less second hand Edit: The prog your looking for is caled pakexplorer (google it its freeware) Last time I...