Search results

  1. spiralofhope

    Pre-order with additional payment

    How should I do it? I think maybe the best way is to slightly alter the existing preorder form to allow a person to order 0 Pandoras. Then you can say something like "Select 0 Pandoras to add money to an existing pre-order." This kind of feature is extra work for you. Now you would have...
  2. spiralofhope

    Pre-order with additional payment

    I emailed [info at openpandora dot de] two weeks ago (Nov 23), but I haven't had a response so I figured I'd try here. Maybe someone else knows the answer. I made a pre-order, with a significant additional payment. I would like to continue adding to that pre-payment until it is completely...
  3. spiralofhope

    Download The Pandora Wiki?

    Yes it requires MySQL. The configuration of apache and mediawiki can be extraordinarily annoying, just try pretty URLs. =) I've also had broken databases to deal with. Not fun. I think the idea of running server software just to read documentation is so wrong on so many levels. Hey...
  4. spiralofhope

    Download The Pandora Wiki?

    I used to have a lot of experience with MediaWiki, but I'm very rusty now. The Pandora wiki supports regular exporting: A while back I did a lot of research on salvaging content from MediaWiki. At the time, there was no sane way to do this. Perhaps that...
  5. spiralofhope

    Pandora Resetting When Bumped? Fix It!
