True, but I really didn't think we needed more mods anyway because most posters do behave themselves. SONY was one of the few who crossed the line occasionally (in my opinion), and now he will be watched much more closely. Either he behaves or he is out, the middle ground has been removed.
Making SONY a mod is smart IMO because now he is forced to behave himself. I have faith in SONY and ED so I predict everything will work out fine, let's at least give him a chance.
This thread reminded me that I need to get my PS2 back from my friend before he moves, thanks to whomever bumped this.
Also, I have to echo previous posters and say the PS2 is one of my favorite consoles.
My favorite lesser-known SNES game is E.V.O. You choose how to evolve your organism through different time periods, sounds weird for a game but I like it.
If I had to guess, I would say the majority of posters don't actually have a Pandora. I'm one of them, although I recently decided to upgrade to premium (still waiting on my Google Checkout invoice, hopefully it comes soon so I can give the OP team my money).
I'm glad no one was hurt. You guys are seriously some of the unluckiest folks I've ever seen when it comes to things like this.
Now that you are out another car, it seems like a good time to send me my Google invoice so I can give you more money ;)
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