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  1. dflemstr


    Wrap it in a QVariant.
  2. dflemstr


    If you ever need another break, come visit the Minecraft server that Akintudne and I are hosting. (Home page, server "IP":, IRC: #akintudne on GeekShed)... Haven't had time to be there a lot as of recent, but I still visit it daily and of course administer the whole backend...
  3. dflemstr


    So not that much is happening, mainly because I start working with a new employer tomorrow, and you seem to be busy too. Another siesta for a week, or what?
  4. dflemstr


    All right, I'm back from a trip to Portugal and back to working on stuff. The tagged 0.1.2 release isn't from the same commit as the one you used to make the PND, but oh well. Mostly, the difference is that settings are properly reified in this release.
  5. dflemstr


    Well, QML looks like this: import QtQuick 1.0 Rectangle { id: canvas width: 200 height: 200 color: "blue" onClicked: print("Foo") Image { id: logo source: "pics/logo.png" anchors.centerIn: parent x: canvas.height / 5 y: 0...
  6. dflemstr


    QML is a mess... Tons of keywords, tons of implicitness, ... I don't mind though, because people say that "artists" (as if they were their own race or something...) find it easier to work with that way... Sometimes I wish they really just would have made a FRP framework for plain JavaScript...
  7. dflemstr


    The problem is that this is non-trivial to begin with. Why do you need a whole tool to figure out how two packages are ordered? Because you make it easy for developers to mess up (By letting them fill in 4 fields that contain the same information), they mess up, and in practice, it leads to...
  8. dflemstr


    The PND format isn't fit for this kind of exchange. It's too difficult to compare two PNDs and say "this one is newer, and should replace that one." The platform needs a new solution started from scratch before it's possible to extend it to do fun stuff. Two years ago, I experimented with a...
  9. dflemstr


    Fixed another bug that came creeping. And, sure, I'll be abroad next week, so bugfixing releases sounds fine :P
  10. dflemstr


    New features (0.0-0.1.1): We now support a plugin architecture. Want your UI to do something that Panorama doesn't support? Write a plugin in C++ for it. All prior functionality has been moved into plugins. The Panorama core is very small, and everything else is loaded when needed. Faster icon...
  11. dflemstr


    Every UI in the project contains a qmlproject file. Open this file with QtCreator, and you at least get access to word completion and syntax checking, and can learn from those. Tutorial:
  12. dflemstr


    Next steps: Add those configuration plugin things Extend root.qml so that you can pull up a "panorama system menu" where you can switch UI, change global settings, etc. Fix panorama button handling so that you can have per-item focus within an UI Add standard widgets, in .../plugins/ but in...
  13. dflemstr


    Been a busy day, but done and done.
  14. dflemstr


    So I fixed some things that I caused this morning, and also the fullscreen toggle code. Also, I moved target/ to the root of the repository, and added INSTALL targets for when the code is compiled in release mode. Can somebody review the code now before I do 0.1.1? :P
  15. dflemstr


    Right, I'll fix the fullscreen regression.
  16. dflemstr


    Changed some stuff, and I think we're release ready as well. Still not happy with the focus solution; will look into some more intricate event loop hooks later.
  17. dflemstr


    Description yes, author, no (at the moment).
  18. dflemstr


    The regression was that UIs became statically sized, while they had been dynamic before (Aka: that they are resizable is nothing new... I just enabled it now, and undid some of the stuff that prevented it from happening) Anyways, I moved Setting and PanoramaUI into plugins now, so it's possible...
  19. dflemstr


    Also, why is the viewer hard-coded, instead of just using "xdg-open <file>"? Anyways, will dust off the libsquacc project and work on that now, after having fixed a regression caused by B-Zar in Panorama :P
  20. dflemstr


    I worked on a libsquacc project a while ago; the idea was to provide a library for random accessing squashfs files. From the header: #ifndef SQUACC_H #define SQUACC_H typedef squacc_handle_t (void *); const char **squacc_get_decompressor_names(int *count); const int...