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  1. R

    What was your favourite Childhood toy? rainbow brite is awesome. if i ever need cheering up i can just hum this to myself
  2. R

    What was your favourite Childhood toy?

    Tiger aka Cringer/Battle Cat! I had those figures and also Skeletor with Panthor. The He-Man line was great and I was devastated when my Mum gave them away. I also had loads of those Thundercats figures and also one of those light up Sword of Omens. I might even still have that somewhere...
  3. R

    Most cherished single/record..?

    well, its not remotely a-typical of the music i like, but i've pretty much been listening to this song since i was in the womb and though not a version i have on record, this is my favourite version of it edit: man i can never work out...
  4. R

    Doom3 Source Code Released (GPL licensed)

    I actually think 1-4 are a little bit harsh. Some things will never be 100% true to the game and a port may be possible that is just beyond the pandora's capabilities without some neutering. For example, it may only be possible to play it without sound or without shadow effects or something and...
  5. R

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    my gold wiimote copy arrived today and once i got past the hangover, i played it for a few hours and wow! i have to say it feels really really magical. the controls feel surprisingly natural, which was surprising considering how i didn't get on with the wii version of twilight princess. the...
  6. R

    Metal Gear Solid 5

    you know, i think by missing 3 between 2 and 4, you missed a pretty massive transition in the series. mgs2 wasnt the most amazing game (relative to the others) but it did move things ahead from the first MGS game. i actually found it particularly different playing MGS2 as i had presumed it was...
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    SONY PlayStation Portable (PSP)

    good review! i don't know if you've ever read Trainspotting, but that was like reading the Australian version of that!
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    Pandora at Replay 2011 - Retro Gaming Expo - Let's meet up

    wow that picture of craig with PokeParadox is amazing on so many levels! from the hilarious name badge and face pulling, to the bizarre wedding posted on the wall, to the guys who look incredibly cosy with each other in the back ground! kodak moment indeed!
  9. R

    Meet us at the Replay Expo in Blackpool! (2011-10-26)

    man i wish i could go to this! it would be awesome if all the pandora users represented a wide range of experimentation with all the extends, different desktop setups (conky, wbar), different UI's (GFCE, minimenu, arch, panorama) etc, just to really show how much is really possible. i think...
  10. R

    Way to go! (2011 - 10 - 19)

    hurrah! fantastic news! i have my fingers and toes crossed in the hope that a corner is finally turned and that 2012 can be the year of the pandora's greatest success!
  11. R

    Personal milestones topic

    aah you are too kind! snooker is similar to pool/billiards, played on a bigger, 12" by 6" table. there are 15 red worth 1 point and colours scored 6 single balls of other colours worth between 2 and 7 points. following the break you score by potting a red followed by a colour then a red then a...
  12. R

    Personal milestones topic

    Well the achievement absolutely and utterly pales in comparison to what you've done but I like this topic... Anyway, me and my Dad won the doubles snooker competition at our local club this year and I was given the club trophy to take home. Its a small thing, but I've not really ever won...
  13. R

    Default Game Boy Button Mappings For Pandora? [Poll]

    the A X configuration has always been one that baffled me. it has always felt totally counter-intuitive especially since the gameboy itself (along with the nes and other 2 button consoles) has been more like X B or A Y i always find myself floundering on some emulators, especially ones with...
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    Pandora at Replay 2011 - Retro Gaming Expo - Let's meet up

    you could try manchester airport. you can get trains to blackpool from there which take 1h 30min to 2h
  15. R

    If tablets are today's fad...

    i don't really think there will be an obvious fad so much as we will see technology converge and miniaturize but with more and more reasonably priced wireless costs. speaking of wireless, i think we will start to see cable-free stuff more and more, provided the cost is not prohibitive. inc...
  16. R

    3 Year Anniversary

    :blink: what the hell was that?!
  17. R

    Kindle Fire

    i have to agree. the tablet format seems to ride more on the iPhone hype rather than any actual need or use for the device. most PC users are too savvy to buy an overpriced, redundant piece of hardware to enable to them to do little more than browse the internet and watch videos. it takes the...
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    3 Year Anniversary

    I can't help but feel that trolls can smell a bit of turmoil at the moment with all the changes and are just popping up to stick the knives in where they can. I doubt any/many of these people have a pre-order otherwise, with such aggressive opinions, they would have actually said something...
  19. R

    SEGA Dreamcast 2

    got any links on this? my heart would sing if it was backwards compatible!
  20. R

    Investments, Production start, preoderings and a wish (2011-10-02)

    I get the distinct impression you haven't been around long enough to understand a great deal about this project. Either way, if Craig stays or goes it should be up to him but saying "well its best" is nonsense because him (and others but he is one of the main people) made it happen. Besides, I...