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  1. K

    Release [Port] Residual

    OK thanks to clop and mcobit. Finally got it all working (I think) here is a test pnd of my build: This is only a test build. NOTES: ResidualVM should no longer write any data to the NAND. ResidualVM data folder is now 'ResidualVM' instead of just 'Residual' Saves from previous versions...
  2. K

    Release [Port] Residual

    I hope so too.. but that person really should join the ResidualVM team.. I really would like to Myst III to work.. would be very nice on the pandora.
  3. K

    Release [Port] Residual

    I believe a lot of the openpandora mentions are when the sourcecode is synced with scummvm. I'll have a go at it anyway...
  4. K

    Release [Port] Residual

    only information I have on it is this 2 year old topic:
  5. K

    Release Pandora Microbes!

    well you would just have an error that says: "The version of this logfile is incompatible with this version of the game"
  6. K

    Little extras to make the P2 unusual?

    Easily swappable buttons.. so you could buy/make stes of buttons that look similar but not exactly to other older consoles controls and then place them in when you want to play the emulated console of choice.
  7. K

    More Pandora 2 crap (MicroSD Split)

    well nubs would also have to press in as buttons to become L3 and R3 as well..
  8. K

    Release [Port] Residual

    ResidualVM currently doesn't have any software rendering code for Myst3 so requires OpenGL and unless someone wants to help the ResidualVM team and help out with that OR even better help write opengles for all the games then it's going to be a while. I'm not really a programmer but in Monkey...
  9. K

    Release Mupen64 Config Testing

    Blast Corps is a game I'd never be able to 100% extremely hard.
  10. K

    Release [Port] Residual

    Well to help Clop out and with his help I have built a new ResidualVM, although I am having problems with getting the pnd running.. so I'll try to play around on Wednesday to get it working. but here is an updated Video of how Monkey Island 4 currently runs... it's still in development.. it's...
  11. K

    The Battery Life Is Incredible!!

    What would happen if you put a Pandora battery in one of those fluffy pink bunnies instead of Duracell?
  12. K

    Some suggestions for improvement, from new pandora-owner

    after eating a number of sticky/greasey snacks I'm sure your shiny keyboard will no longer be shiny.
  13. K

    Release PCSX ReARMed, with a new GPU

    different BIOS?
  14. K

    Strange ad-hoc sound issue

    a low toned "booinnngg-gu-uh" is the sound I get so I assume it is the issue. :)
  15. K

    Strange ad-hoc sound issue

    I got my pandora back from RMA a few weeks, then got around to upgrading the firmware. Since I upgraded the firmware rarely and sometimes when I run a specific program I get a weird noise I assume from the speakers. it almost sounds like it caused by some small surge of electricity but it...
  16. K

    Vertical lines, then... DISPLAY DEAD ?!

    gone.. more like fried..
  17. K

    Release CPU stress test

    I'm keen to do similar tests to determine maximum overclock for non-neon applications. Hopefully someone will be able to create such a stress test. Till then, I'm done! Hooray! :D :lol: [/SPOILER] Redid mine for a 2nd time still got the same results 855MHz @ OPP3 933MHz @ OPP4...
  18. K

    Will I get what I paid for?

    I think your oder history has become very confusing with different pieces of information all over the place. I think you need to write 1 detailed e-mail with all the information you can and history.
  19. K

    Release CPU stress test

    OK I was brave enough to raise my overclock limit so could test OPP5 properly my result was: 1009MHz @OPP5 so you can update my result
  20. K

    Release CPU stress test

    Of course Environmental factors will also cause fluctuations in max clock speeds from day to day