Search results

  1. hmc

    configbutton Plugin Development guide?

    :-( after reboot it doesn't work anymore. and now I also know why I did not need to enter the password with sudo. Rebooted, let the system start configbutton regularly, tried the Plugin... no reaction. Opened a terminal, killall configbutton, then started configbutton manually from the...
  2. hmc

    configbutton Plugin Development guide?

    HA!<br />It works.<br />Thank you so much!<br />&nbsp;<br />Not with gksudo, though, but with sudo. With gksudo I don't get any reaction from the code, no gksudo password entry field, no LED switching, no error message.<br />However, this works flawlessly, without the need to enter the password...
  3. hmc

    configbutton Plugin Development guide?

    update: If I start configbutton with sudo, i.e. sudo configbutton my Plugin works!But if I don't start it with sudo and instead put sudo into the cmdline variable as shown above, it does not work. Any hints? I'm stuck here. :-( Thank you!
  4. hmc

    configbutton Plugin Development guide?

    This is what I tried first. sprintf(cmdline, "echo %d > /sys/class/leds/pandora\:\:keypad_bl/brightness", brightness); However, this gives the same result as the other attempts, when using the Plugin, and when compiling, I get kblight.c:29:20: warning: unknown escape sequence '\:'...
  5. hmc

    configbutton Plugin Development guide?

    I tried now: sprintf(cmdline, "sudo echo %d > /sys/class/leds/pandora::keypad_bl/brightness", brightness); and sprintf(cmdline, "echo %d > /sys/class/leds/pandora\\:\\:keypad_bl/brightness", brightness); with the same results.What's wrong here? %-)
  6. hmc

    configbutton Plugin Development guide?

    I am just writing a new Configbutton Plugin for controlling my LED keyboard illumination. It's almost finished. But there is one problem: From the Plugin I issue the command sprintf(cmdline, "echo %d > /sys/class/leds/pandora::keypad_bl/brightness", brightness); system(cmdline); but when I...
  7. hmc

    TV-Out cables: I sell one more small batch

    Last auction ended. I just donated 19.50€. Thanks to cuetzpalin!
  8. hmc

    TV-Out cables: I sell one more small batch

    last chance to bid on last cable. Remember: The money's not for me, but will be a donation for the preorder queue (except 7 Euro which go to me to cover my expenses). 13 hours left...
  9. hmc

    TV-Out cables: I sell one more small batch

    Great! The second auction has ended, too, with an even better result than the first auction. I could just donate 18.10€ (net 17.41€ after paypal fees) to the preorder fund. Attention: The next auction will problably be the last one. I currently have 3 cables left. One for my own usage, one for...
  10. hmc

    DisplayLink external DVI/VGA display on SuperZaxxon firmware: Request for assistance

    I have installed it and started the binary - works. However, I did not yet actually use it for anything. This will have to wait until the weekend.
  11. hmc

    DisplayLink external DVI/VGA display on SuperZaxxon firmware: Request for assistance

    okay, then I also vote for including xrandr in SZ firmware.
  12. hmc

    DisplayLink external DVI/VGA display on SuperZaxxon firmware: Request for assistance

    What I meant was: Does every DL user need xrandr to use DL? Or do we only need xrandr to set up DL in a universal manner now, and once DL is set up in such a universal manner, every user can use DL without needing xrandr?
  13. hmc

    DisplayLink external DVI/VGA display on SuperZaxxon firmware: Request for assistance

    I didn't look deeply into xrandr and its purpose and function yet. Does it make sense for every (DL) user? Or is it just necessary for the development phase now to tweak the settings so that the result will be useable for as many users as possible? If it's not interesting for the average (DL)...
  14. hmc

    DisplayLink external DVI/VGA display on SuperZaxxon firmware: Request for assistance

    No need for a PND. There is a package in the repo. On SuperZaxxon, do this to install xrandr: sudo opkg update sudo opkg install xrandr seems to work fine here. No deep testing done yet, though.
  15. hmc

    how to write in root drive

    ahahah, there is some place on your root drive, that can be written to without having administrator rights (i.e. without using sudo): your home folder. It is named /home/YOUR_LOGIN_NAME (Also accessible via /media/root/home/YOUR_LOGIN_NAME) Normally, a user should store his own files only...
  16. hmc

    New website request

    thanks, looks good.  I just donated 10.50€ (17.50€ from the auction minus 7.00€ that cover my expenses for the cable) for the preorder queue. Looking forward to next auction's result :-)
  17. hmc

    New website request

    ED, I see you have added those links. Thanks! They are displayed quite small here, though.  Now I'm missing another link: "Donate" What's the URL again? I have sold the first TV-Out cable via ebay now, and want to make the promised donation from the money I got for it. But I don't know the...
  18. hmc

    TV-Out cables: I sell one more small batch

    The first auction has ended. I have published one more auction for a TV-Out cable (this time the auction is running only 3 days, ending on April 5th 20:49:52 MEST, otherwise with the same conditions): (ebay link and auction ID in...
  19. hmc

    Pandora charging issues

    I also have charge problems often. Yesterday I found out that it might be a problem of corrrosion or dirt in the power connector of the Pandora. Turning the plug inside the connector a few times suddenly started the charge process, after it was not started for quite a while after plugging /...
  20. hmc

    Can't Click Inside File Manager

    I am not sure, so sorry for the noise if I am wrong, but I think I have seen the problem in 1.53, too. Can anyone confirm this? If not, rather disregard this message, until anyone else report the problem in 1.53. ;-)