Search results

  1. canseco

    C64 Reloaded MK2

    As the title says, there's an update version of the C64 Reloaded motherboard. In this version, you don't need to provide the PLA chip, already integrated in the motherboard. You still need to have a CPU, VIC, one or two SIDs and two CIAs. Another new feature: the chips are autodetected, so no...
  2. canseco

    The Ultimate-64!

    I'm not surprised that C65 doesn't have too much software, as it was a prototype and only a few ended in the hands of Commodore workers. But i don't see too much software for SCPU or REU either, even if there's been some movement in the community in the last years, in part because of TC64, U2+...
  3. canseco

    Release Albert 0.14.21

    Changelog - Latest stable release. - Compiled with QT 5.9.0 from latest beta Codeblocks PND. - Updated sources and libs. More info:
  4. canseco

    Update Tiled 1.1.6

    Changelog - Latest stable release. - Compiled with QT 5.9.0 from latest beta Codeblocks PND. - Updated patched source code and libs.
  5. canseco

    Update VChar64 0.2.4

    Changelog - Compiled with QT 5.9 from latest Codeblocks beta PND. - Updated libs.
  6. canseco

    Update Sonic Visualiser 2.5.0

    Changelog - Compiled with QT 5.9.0 from latest beta Codeblocks PND. - Updated libs.
  7. canseco

    Update QjackCtl 0.4.5

    Changelog - Compiled with QT 5.9.0 from latest beta Codeblocks PND. - Updated libs.
  8. canseco

    Beta OpenXcom

    Changelog - Latest git release. It works with UFO or TFTD and mods (Final Mod 1.9.7 tested). - Updated libs.
  9. canseco

    Update RSS Guard 3.5.6

    Changelog - Latest stable release.
  10. canseco

    The Ultimate-64!

    If the Ultimate II+ is included on the board, it's worth it. The only thing i miss is the expansion port. The equivalent could be the new FPGA board Individual Computer is doing or MEGA65.
  11. canseco

    Update RSS Guard 3.5.6

    Changelog - Compiled with QT 5.9.0 from latest Codeblocks beta PND. - Updated libs.
  12. canseco

    Update QupZilla 1.8.9

    Changelog - Compiled with QT 5.9.0 from latest Codeblocks beta PND. - Updated libs. It works much better than previous QT. Any feeback is welcome, as always, ;)
  13. canseco

    Update FocusWriter QT5 1.6.15

    Changelog - Latest stable release. Compiled with QT 5.9.0 from latest Codeblocks PND beta release. - Updated sources and libs.
  14. canseco

    Update Sonic Visualiser 2.5.0

    Changelog - Compiled with latest beta Codeblocks PND. - Updated libs.
  15. canseco

    Noone can find the source code to Icewind Dale II.

    It's a shame because Beamdog did a very good job with the multiplatform ports (Linux, Mac, Win, using SDL2, OpenAL, OpenGL, like GemRB) and the remasters respects the original feeling of those games...
  16. canseco

    Noone can find the source code to Icewind Dale II.

    They could always contribute back to GemRB project, already better than the original engine, ;)
  17. canseco

    Update OpenTTD 1.8.0

    Changelog - Latest stable release. - Updated sources and libs and previews. More info here:
  18. canseco

    Update Zita-rev1 0.2.1

    Zita-rev1 0.2.1 REV1 is a reworked version of the reverb originally developed for Aeolus. Its character is more 'hall' than 'plate', but it can be used on a wide variety of instruments or voices. It is not a spatialiser - the early reflections are different for the L and R inputs, but do not...
  19. canseco

    Update Zita-at1 0.2.3

    Zita-at1 0.2.3 zita-at1 is an 'autotuner', normally used to correct the pitch of a voice singing (slightly) out of tune. Compared to 'Autotalent' it provides an improved pitch estimation algorithm, and much cleaner resampling. AT1 does not include formant correction, so it should be used to...
  20. canseco

    Circuit Layout Software

    Qucs It's on the OpenPandora repo too, ;)