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  1. Pickle

    How to play the FF7 demake?

    Correct ips is a file that would modify its target. Its useful way to send modifications without violating copyright laws. I prefer to use LunarIPS Its a windows app, but works fine in wine if im running linux. I think your trying this one...
  2. Pickle

    Release Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion

    ok guys, its been a couple decades o_O I was just listing the things I though of that were pushed back in the days for making a old system better. And as mentioned earlier I had the purpose of the switch backwards. It switched from slow to normal. But its
  3. Pickle

    Release Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion

    the 386/486 used to a turbo button which was basically a overclock. They also could have math coprocessors. and then there were the SX and DX variants. DX had floating point. I had a 486 SX, bought a game FX Fighter and wouldnt run without it. Didnt get to try that one out until i had pentium. I...
  4. Pickle

    Release Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion

    one thing I think could be better is somehow setting the gamma. The internal controls have no effect in the opengl version. I think i tied something specific to in the quake engine to do this, so might go back and find it. Id rather not hack the source if i dont have to. other idea i had was to...
  5. Pickle

    Release Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion

    Link: Havent updated this one since i made a port based on nanoGL. Built on latest source version 1.5.9 Uses ptitseb's gl4es (guess i dont have any reason to write GLES code anymore :) Includes SW renderer build version but its slower...
  6. Pickle

    snes emulation and real-time clock? (regarding far east of eden zero)

    SNES9X supports the RTC feature, ive run it on my desktop specifically for this game when the english patch was released not too long ago. I spent some time trying to get it running for pandora but i just kept running into a crash with any arm build i made.
  7. Pickle

    Commodore C64

    ah thanks i didnt notice this was in the caanoo section (thinking it was pandora)
  8. Pickle

    Commodore C64

    Yeah i think i was being sarcastic. Im not even sure what this was about porting..... we have the VICE emulator and its been updated pretty recently (edit: im referring to the pandora port)
  9. Pickle

    already have fantasy general so anyone wants it heres a code: PTME577DFCD817E9UE
  10. Pickle

    GP2X F100 new old stock - firmware update failed

    Im just curious if its the sdcards or the firmwares
  11. Pickle

    GP2X F100 new old stock - firmware update failed

    so did the gph's firmware also work with that card?
  12. Pickle

    GP2X F100 new old stock - firmware update failed

    have you thought about using open2x?
  13. Pickle

    @levi, yeah same experience here. I think they have dumb code that only keeps the latest 5 entries. So if you didnt check recently you might never know :-)
  14. Pickle

    but i mean that's the problem for me I have to search to find the news that shows the new stuff they added. But maybe you have a better way to handle it by checking the threads directly for new games.
  15. Pickle

    Packard Bell Laptop madness...

    my family had C64/128 -> Packard Bell 486 SX -> Compaq Pentium (75 mhz I think?) Later i had a pentium 100 hand me down, and finally bought my own AMD Athon 1.2 ghz. Spent $200 for 4 mb of ram upgrade for that 486 so i could play Dark Forces :-)
  16. Pickle

    why did they move the news to the absolute bottom of the page.....
  17. Pickle

    Packard Bell Laptop madness...

    xnopasaranx you need to upgrade to a compaq.
  18. Pickle

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    elvissteinjr, which TI SGX driver are you using? are you using vsync? are you using SDL/SDL2? if no are you using EGL directly?
  19. Pickle

    Playstation Classic - Inc 20 games

    I would disagree that classic systems are worthless on one point. When these systems re-release games that the used game market has driven the price to extremes. For example the snes classic system has Earthbound. Theres no way im ever going to buy a $200 cart (also risking getting a fake). But...
  20. Pickle

    I am out ...

    its fortunate you have your kids after a breakup, I suggest just focusing on them, as a parent too that usually brings positive things into your life.