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  1. AVahne

    µGame (Micro Handheld)

    Oh that is adorable! First image looks difficult to play with, but second one looks okay.
  2. AVahne

    GPD Pocket 2 Announced

    Yikes that keyboard looks atrocious. Really doesn't help that it's not backlit either. The fact that they're finally adding uSD support is nice, but going back to eMMC seems blegh. Finally no alternative mouse pointer controller seems rather limiting.
  3. AVahne

    Moving along

    I'm now split on whether I want to get a Pyra before ED runs out of those clicky slider sticks (did he ever get a new supplier for those to continue sourcing them? I feel like I've asked this multiple times and forgotten the answer every time...), or if I should wait and hope for him to create a...
  4. AVahne

    An update of the waiting game

    Wade claimed that at first, but GPD has since admitted that it's a hardware defect. They're currently trying to fix it, I believe.
  5. AVahne

    An update of the waiting game

    Oh nice, it's a very nice long as you don't get one with the well known defects like the wifi...
  6. AVahne

    An update of the waiting game

    Nothing at all, I just meant that I didn't want to include it in any comparison about build quality due to the Pyra not having any metal. I wanted to know how the plastic is between these two.
  7. AVahne

    An update of the waiting game

    Hey ED I've been wondering, how's the plastic quality of the Pyra compare to the Win 2? I got my Win 2 a couple weeks ago and have been in love with the build quality. The metal part aside, the plastic part feels nice and solid to me, so I'm wondering what I should expect from Pyra-chan when she...
  8. AVahne

    Banana Pi UMPC, anyone?

    Sorry I went quiet for so long. I got my PuterPi last Monday, but I had wanted to wait for my Win 2 to arrive as well so I can take size comparison pics all at once...that took longer than I would've liked, but oh well. In the end I might not get as much use out of my PuterPi as any...
  9. AVahne

    An update of the waiting game

    Well the whole point of the Pyra's design is that a "2.0" shouldn't have to be a necessary thing until far into the future as the SoC, RAM, and eMMC are all on a separate board. So basically, we can have "generational" upgrades simply by changing just one part (the SoC daughter board)...
  10. AVahne

    The World's Most Powerful Pocket-Sized PC

    Hah, I knew this campaign looked fishy.
  11. AVahne

    NeoGeo Mini

    This kinda makes me wish that Starforce Pi thing had been released instead.
  12. AVahne

    GPD Pocket

    Whoa seriously? I guess since they're no longer an ODM, they're much more seriously about their products now.
  13. AVahne

    The World's Most Powerful Pocket-Sized PC

    Well it's more or less just an upgraded Gole1, just from a different company, and that was apparently a terrible device.
  14. AVahne

    The World's Most Powerful Pocket-Sized PC

    Touchscreen keyboard is more or less useless on a Windows machine aside from light web surfing.
  15. AVahne

    GPD WIN 2

    Late next week.... Sigh
  16. AVahne

    Banana Pi UMPC, anyone?

    Yes, of course! Kinda wanna link the progress photos he uploads to Instagram, but oh well. It shant be long til I receive my custom unit now.
  17. AVahne

    Planet Computers : Gemini - Psion Returns

    I still don't know how they could've missed something so important...
  18. AVahne

    Planet Computers : Gemini - Psion Returns

    I'd personally wait to see if they make a version 2. To me this first release was a little too hyped for what it ended up being. Once they've learned how to do better, I'd liek to see what they do with a Gemini 2.
  19. AVahne

    Case closed?

    Every word is a word as soon as someone coins it and defines it.
  20. AVahne

    Banana Pi UMPC, anyone?

    MINE'S BE ALIVE looks like he's almost finished with it. Hopefully my custom color scheme isn't too weird, but even if it is THAT'S TOTALLY FINE.