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  1. jedi23

    Release OpenJK and OpenJO

    The full credits still belong to all these awesome engine rewriters. But I'm happy to fill the Pyra library with some ports.
  2. jedi23

    Release OpenJK and OpenJO

    A solution to my control question was provided by @Farox. I will update the dbps accordingly. EDIT: It's updated. In the control settings, the movement settings for Step Left and Step Right should be assigned to the dpad.
  3. jedi23

    Change nub behaviour with pyrainput to control mouse cursor with right nub

    That's just how I had in my mind. But now I don't have to invent the wheel for a second time. Thank you very much :cool:
  4. jedi23

    Release OpenJK and OpenJO

    Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy can now be played on your Pyra thanks to the efforts of the JACoders who developed OpenJK! The controls would be better if the right nub could be used for...
  5. jedi23

    Change nub behaviour with pyrainput to control mouse cursor with right nub

    I want to swap the mouse control behaviour of the left and right nub, so that i can move the curser with the right nub. I looked into the funkeymonkey-pyrainput package. There is a /etc/pyrainput.cfg file and the readme provides possible configurations for it. So I inserted this into the...
  6. jedi23

    WipEout Rewrite

    I was really looking forward to this and am glad you could solve the Bus error and other issues with the help of ptitSeb and M-HT :cool:
  7. jedi23

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    The Pyra is no device for the "comuters change fast"-minded. Each week, there are at least a few Pyras shipped I guess. There's still much handicraft involved.
  8. jedi23

    What have you bought recently?

    This 15.6" 144Hz 1080p Portable Screen. The price is incredible compared to the ones from Asus!
  9. jedi23

    Release DevilutionX

    Just browse to the Pyra Repository ;)
  10. jedi23

    Release DevilutionX

    You can now play Diablo and the Hellfire expansion pack on your Pyra. On my Pyra, the game sometimes just starts with a black screen. In that case, you need to connect an external mouse, press the Pyra key and start the game again. The game needs to...
  11. jedi23

    Absurdism corner

    These eggs are NOT REAL. Don't try to hatch them. I can't believe you're really trying to hatch them. -Manergmont
  12. jedi23

    Absurdism corner

    At least they serve the pink one. Never ever try Ice Yellow!
  13. jedi23

    Absurdism corner

    The Inflatable Spiderman™
  14. jedi23

    Absurdism corner

    And here is Pedo Spiderman waiting for kids to sit on his lap.
  15. jedi23

    Absurdism corner

  16. jedi23

    How to Develop/Port for the Pyra as Noob

    In deed there was A as well.
  17. jedi23

    How to Develop/Port for the Pyra as Noob

    I'm pretty sure he already mastered the whole ABC!
  18. jedi23

    How to Develop/Port for the Pyra as Noob

    Real porting, meaning perfectly adapting a program to a new system is nothing for Noobs. But luckily, most open source projects have portability in mind, so the devs include files (e.g. CMakeLists.txt) that configure the project for the target architecture (x86_64, armv7h, aarch64, ppc, ...) or...
  19. jedi23

    Absurdism corner

    "P1lot Lounge" I s33 n0 m1stak3...
  20. jedi23

    Absurdism corner

    Next trip with my camper: to the Cotton Lane Prison Surprise Zoo :cool: