EvilDragon's Coffee Hoard (Coffee discussion split from on-topic)


Nov 19, 2005
Nicht drauf reinfallen, er hat keine Pyra, sondern nur eine Flasche Pommes dabei ;)

(Don’t fall for it, he won’t have a Pyra but a bottle of French fries with him)

btw. love your ava, i'm a teahead too! :cool:
btw. love your ava, i'm a teahead too! :cool:
Thanks :D
Yeah, I always preferred tea over coffee (very unpopular opinion in IT), even though I drank about the same amount of both. Of course I knew that loose tea is usually much better than tea bags, but when I found out that there is a huge, huuuge difference between tea wholesalers and a few passionate sellers, who really try to find the best tea and buy directly from the farmers, a whole new world opened up for me :p It still amazes me how different the taste can be, no need to go back to scented tea ever again. Also I am down to sometimes less than one coffee a week.
Thanks :D
Yeah, I always preferred tea over coffee (very unpopular opinion in IT), even though I drank about the same amount of both. Of course I knew that loose tea is usually much better than tea bags, but when I found out that there is a huge, huuuge difference between tea wholesalers and a few passionate sellers, who really try to find the best tea and buy directly from the farmers, a whole new world opened up for me :p It still amazes me how different the taste can be, no need to go back to scented tea ever again. Also I am down to sometimes less than one coffee a week.

I once did an experiment hanging a teabag in my coffee, and I must say that the tea is a much stronger flavor (and it was a regular tea not a lapsang or anything) got me quite by suprise always imagened that coffee would be stronger tasting.
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Coffee isn't unhealthy - why should it be? Unless you drink way too much of it.
One reason is that coffee is a stimulant for many people. Many people need coffee in the morning to feel energised. This is an unhealthy addiction because a healthy person feels immediately energised in the morning without needing any stimulant at all. Someone who runs on coffee can never feel as good as a healthy person can.

Of course when used with moderation coffee —like many other junkfoods— will not be very harmful. Coffee is waste to the body but it can be cleaned out of the body if the body gets enough time to do so. However people who do not enjoy the taste of coffee like myself should consider themselves lucky in this regard and definitely should not learn to drink coffee.

Anyway I am a bit strict with my health. I used to live on junkfood but then I got really sick and thanks to that ended up doing a 180 and becoming very concerned with my health.

---Edit Added above from post in On-topic thread.

Coffee is unhealthy anyway. Sometimes people say that I must learn to drink it (since I do not like the taste of coffee) but why would I want to learn to drink something that is unhealthy?
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Coffee isn't unhealthy - why should it be? Unless you drink way too much of it.

Well I drink bucketloads of it, but all the highthroughput screens I see on cells and tissues caffeine is always giving some effect. Basically "we" biologists have no clue what it's doing but it definetly is doing something. That said tea has about the same amount of caffeine.
i was verry much into coffee, had tasted all the great beans/roasts and had my perfect setup. then i switched to tea as my daily driver...
it was somehow the next logical step in learning new flavours for me. i still love coffee but tea is so interesting because of all these different styles out there.
of course the good stuff is needed, no teabags here too.
i can drink a nice yunnan gushu in the morning and it keeps me awake and motivated for hours and feels so good. <3
I once did an experiment hanging a teabag in my coffee, and I must say that the tea is a much stronger flavor (and it was a regular tea not a lapsang or anything) got me quite by suprise always imagened that coffee would be stronger tasting.
That’s a weird idea :D Did you like the taste?

Yes, you can brew tea quite strong. But the thing with tea bags is that the compounds are absorbed really quickly by the water, because you’ll usually find very fine tea powder in the bags and not loose leafs. That’s why especially green tea from tea bags tends to go bitter almost immediately.
That’s a weird idea :D Did you like the taste?

Yes, you can brew tea quite strong. But the thing with tea bags is that the compounds are absorbed really quickly by the water, because you’ll usually find very fine tea powder in the bags and not loose leafs. That’s why especially green tea from tea bags tends to go bitter almost immediately.

I also do prefer loose leaves... but i did happen to have bag lying around for my experiment... :p

so curious how these would look on/in a pyra...
Coffee is unhealthy anyway. Sometimes people say that I must learn to drink it (since I do not like the taste of coffee) but why would I want to learn to drink something that is unhealthy?

Not sure where you got that from

Studies have shown that coffee may have health benefits, including protecting against Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes and liver disease, including liver cancer. Coffee also appears to improve cognitive function and decrease the risk of depression.

Best coffee i ever found is Kimbo Espresso from Naples Italy.

Like 2 Euro there but around $20 to get off amazon anywhere else. Delicious.
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As much as I love to drink tea and coffee, is it possible they could be discussed elsewhere? There's too much other cool stuff going on, and I don't want to miss anything.
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i was verry much into coffee, had tasted all the great beans/roasts and had my perfect setup.
i can drink a nice yunnan gushu in the morning and it keeps me awake and motivated for hours and feels so good. <3
I didn’t follow the coffee path unfortunately. It’s sad but I only had a handful of great tasting cups of coffee. A few of them in a café in Vienna. I would love to have a great coffee setup as well, but currently I am still overwhelmed with my tea journey :D

Great to hear you found a Gushu that you like. Yunnan is a great location for tea anyway. Can you recommend one? I only had one Gushu, but it was a little too astringent for my taste. Maybe I just brewed it wrong, I don’t know, I didn’t have a lot of it.
Currently I am mostly drinking green tea and oolong. My morning usually starts with a matcha :)
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I am finding a lot of "may"s and "correlation"s in that article. But to properly judge it I would have to read the studies carefully since many studies are actually paid for to be misleading which can be found out only by carefully reading the whole study but since I do not like coffee I do not want to take the time to do so since I am not going to drink coffee either way.

Coffee is unhealthy for many people for sure though because it is addicting. A healthy person can feel energised for a whole day without eating or drinking anything but water that day. If one needs a certain kind of food every day to feel good then that food is bad for him and he is addicted to it. Only diseased bodies need stimulants.
Only diseased bodies need stimulants.
Love my coffee...
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I am finding a lot of "may"s and "correlation"s in that article.

You haven't provided any source to the contrary.

Coffee is unhealthy for many people for sure though because it is addicting.

So are sugar and carbohydrates, both of which play essential roles in body function.

A healthy person can feel energised for a whole day without eating or drinking anything but water that day. If one needs a certain kind of food every day to feel good then that food is bad for him and he is addicted to it. Only diseased bodies need stimulants.

Annecdotal crap. I have sleep issues. Never felt rested a day in my life.

Apparently you know better than a foremost medical authority :oops: