Usb Connectivity Lost After 1.21 -> 1.4 Upgrade


Jan 4, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
It seems the usb drivers on the GP2X are borked once I've upgraded to 1.4.

It isn't windows or linux. The GP2X doesn't show up under either of them (show up under the device manager or lsusb that is).

Should I re-flash the 1.4 upgrade - do people think that might help?

Under 1.21, usb was almost perfect.

Any other ideas?

So where is this particulary problem explained in that wiki page?

It is not the general USB problem but a FW1.4 specific one.

I got the same problem, it always worked fine on my Linux machine (on USB2.0 ports) until I upgraded to FW 1.4.
It works if I plug the cable into a USB 1.1 port instead of a 2.0 one, but speed really sucks that way :(

Something must have changed in FW 1.4 the way it connects to the PC, and it sure isn't an improvement for either Linux nor WinXP.
Yeah - I don't think this is the same old problem - it isn't anything to do with the host (windows or linux) configuration (irq etc).

It appears the usb slave driver on the GP2X controller has been borked.

It is pretty serious as some of us need the serial over usb to debug - I'm not going to be happy to have to buy a serial cable at great expense after everything else because the official 1.4 firmware decided to screw up a driver on a hardware platform that has every unit identical - I mean, how can a restricted hardware platform have bugs for some and not others? Where is QA?
Yes it used to work on Xp too with Fw 1.2X.
But it still a well known problem, have a look at the WIKI page I have linked to you, really !
There was problems before 1.4, but Fw 1.4 scrwed everything worst. And it's not only Windows Usb drivers (as I got pretty much Usb devices that works.)
If you need to use Usb for files transfer, use Usb1 or downgrade you Gp2X.
If it's for Serial over Usb, then there shouldn't be any issue.
I actually suspect the new 1.4 code for mounting SD cards.

I've noticed that with 1.4 (as opposed to 1.2) it takes a tad longer to mount the SD card.

When I plug my GP2X to my PC - it appears the usb connects but that there is no connection over the usb to the SD card filesystem.

The fact the serial apps still works would support this idea.

BTW can we use ssh over the serial port? that would make a lot of sense.