Easy RPG - Games Not Quite Working - Help Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
I started tis second topic because the first one was technical, related to Easy RPG in general.

This topic is about two specific games I can't quite get to work with Easy RPG.  I am SO close...but it just isn't happening...hence this topic about these specific two games, and what I've already tried.

OK. so I managed to get Easy RPG working...well, sort of.

The two games I want to play both don't work quite right.

Also, it looks like you can only have one game on this.

Unless I am doing something massively wrong.

After unpacking the RTP where it is supposed to go, you have a number of folders called things like





Char Set

and so on.

Well, now each of the games I want to work...also have these same folders!

So, first, I tried just putting my whole game folder into the same place all this other stuff was at


now the first thing I noticed...when I unpacked the rtp...it made another rtp folder inside of 2000

And this is where all these Backdrop, etc folders are at.

So I put my game folder into this second rtp folder, like this


so now DW1 was another folder among Backdrop, CharSet, etc.

I tried to run from there, and it always crashes, saying it is missing some files.

The files ARE located within the Backdrop, Char Set etc folders I mentioned above.

So the next thing I did was to dump all the stuff in all those games folders into the main folders..

rtp/DW1/Backdrops....i copied all those files into rtp/backdrops

And the same for all the other folders.

Then, there were a bunch of other files, just loose, in the game folder

I copied all of these into the same place


Then I launched Easy RPG

Now, I did this with two different games.

The games launched.

But always, very early in the game, I would get to a place where your character would be unable to advance forward as it needed to (this happened with DW1) or the character would get stuck somewhere...he tried to climb a staircase and instead went thru it....and then could no longer move or be seen.  this happened with DW4R.

Now both of these games DO work on RPGM2K when installed on a PC.

But not here.  The games launch...but then there comes a problem.

I am not sure if I am placing my game files properly...or if there is some other problem.

By the way, I DID get the Font zip, unzip it...and put it in the game folder...as was requested in the instructions in the Repo.

I am wondering if someone with experience here can tell me if my directory structure is wrong somehow...or what else may be the problem.

I can even send zip files of the two games I want to have working along to anyone who wants to look at them.

Any help in getting either or both of these games working would be greatly appreciated...as they are the entire reason I was interested in Easy RPG at all.

Thanks in advance for any help!!
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I feel like I should report this thread to mods to have it merged with your other thread....anyone else feel that way?
This is just a blind guess of mine but might be a problem related to floating-point calculation. I know such an issue from the game Brogue (a rogue-like). In Brogue you can enter a few digit long number (seed) which then calculates a dungeon for the game. In older versions of Brogue you got a different dungeon for the Pandora-version than in the PC-version, while using the same seed. Other calculations in Brogue differed for the same reason. The whole thing was/is related to the different CPU-architectures of ARM and x86.

 However your issue can be based on anything else too. But, without further looking at EasyRPG, I doubt that the problem is related to the gamefiles.

You could try to ask EasyRPG-developers if some sort of floating-point-calculation is been done and thus my above theory might be right.

Not much of help, but maybe a start.
Having taken a quick look at EasyRPG, seems to me that since it uses picklelauncher, you could put your games anywhere and it ought to work. So you can put them elsewhere and not have them conflict with the EasyRPG install.

It does look like you have to have each game in its own folder though, as it looks like they all have a similar set of subfolders. And each game folder needs to have a copy of font.zip in it (unpacked or not, I can't make out).
When I had the game in it's own seperate file...it didn't work, it was calling for files that are in the RTP but not the specific game.  Because games CAN call from that library of stuff when on the PC.

Because this is different, not a PC I was wondering if the file structure needs to be in some way different, and hoping to find someone who has had some success with this thing to help me out.

Maybe I should try pouring all those files into the seperate games files, I don't really know.

The other thing that bothered me was that the Repo seems to call for this stuff to be installed at


but it doesn't tell me if that other stuff is all supposed to be in another folder also named rtp

which is what happens when I install it normally.

So all those other folders end up in


so I'm still mucking around trying to figure this.

But what is happening to me on the games has to do with suddenly not being able to move...in a place where you normally should be able to...so I'm not sure what a "floating point calculation" even is...or if it can cause the kind of problem I am experiencing.

Remeber you are talking to a basic tech idiot who can follow directions fine, but, when the directions are followed and it doesn't work, then I am totally lost.  and I have no idea what things like "floating point calculations" are.  I only know how to follow directions, and have it work.

I have goofed around, trying several other configurations which haven't worked.

at this point, please only reply to this topic if

A - you have gotten Easy RPG to work

B - you are willing to have me send you the zip file and see if you can get it working


C - if you can, you can tell me how you did it.

Because if these two games I have won't work, then I am not interested in Easy RPG.  These two games were all I wanted it for.
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not having played around with easyrpg at all, could it be the same issue as GemRB where case sensitivity in files would make a difference in linux? try the bulk rename tool in pandora menu>accesories, and rename all files to only use lower case letters. keep backup of original files in case it doesnt work. thats the only blind guess that i can come up with
Thank you for the suggestion, DaMummy, I shall have to try it.

First I want to look at the original files and see if any of them are caps to begin with.  But at least it is something else I can try.

Update: yes, many of the files do have capital letters.  I will try your suggestion.

The bulk rename tool won't do the trick.  It failed to convert every single file I tried.

I may have to just do this manually.
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